Photochemotherapy is considered one of the most recent treatment methods that increase the mechanical and biochemical tolerance of the collagen that contains the corneal fibers.
And with the question of Dr. Muhammad Hantira – Honorary Assistant Professor – Eye Department – Umm Al-Qura University – Saudi Arabia
It has been shown that this treatment, which consists of the interaction of ultraviolet rays with riboflavin (vitamin B2) on collagen tissues, has proven highly effective in increasing the stiffness of corneal tissues to about three times the stiffness before the treatment, and thus not convex it as observed in cases of keratoconus.
The importance of riboflavin lies not only in the interaction with the radiation, which leads to an increase in the hardness of the cornea, but also in its ability to prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the eye and thus not damage the rays to the lens or the retina.
It is evident from the study of weak corneal cases that the transverse bonds responsible for the interconnection of collagen fibers are few in number for one reason or another, usually the genetic or genetic makeup plays a role in this defect, so this photochemical therapy would double these cross-links and thus increase the hardness and resistance of collagen tissue as it is. Noticeable naturally in old age.
Benefits and advantages of photochemotherapy
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